
Our opening hours (UK time)

Weekdays - 06:00 to 22:00
Weekends - 08:00 to 16:00

How can I contact you?

Sock Stack does not have a call centre and we're not set up to handle high volumes of phone calls.

The Sock Stack brand was built online, including our customer support. Though you may receive an automated response every once in a while, all channels are manned by human staff who are eager to help you out, quickly and efficiently.

Thank you again for visiting Sock Stack. For information on our new product launches, please follow us on Instagram & Facebook. For customer service inquiries, please send us a message on Facebook Messenger or e-mail us at For order inquiries, please include your order number for faster service.

Sock Stack | Unit C, Royal Pennine Trading Estate, Lynroyle Way, Manchester, OL11 3EX.

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